Climatic correlates of female morphological and reproductive traits in the desert toad-headed lizard

来源 :第八届全国野生动物生态与资源保护学术研讨会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:boji13
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  We collected reproductive females of Phrynocephalus przewalskii from three populations (Minqin,MQ; Wuwei,WW; Zhangye,ZY) in Gansu to study climatic correlates of female morphological and reproductive traits.Females from the three populations differed morphologically.ZY Female on average were larger than MQ and WW females in snout-vent length (SVL); WW females were larger in tail length but smaller in abdomen length than MQ and ZY females of the same SVL; the SVL-specific mean head length was greatest in WW females and smallest in MQ females,with ZY females in between.Females from the three populations differed from each other in egg-laying date,with MQ females laid eggs an average of 7 days later than did WW females,and an average of 13 days later than did ZY females.Five of the 94 MQ females and one of the 45 ZY females laid their second clutches between 6-17 July,and none of the 37 WW females laid the second clutch.The time interval from the first to the second clutch ranged from 26-38 days,with a mean of 33.3 days.During that interval,multiple-clutched females gained an average of 0.5 mm SVL,but kept post-oviposition body mass,clutch size,clutch mass and egg size unchanged.Post-oviposition body mass,clutch size,clutch mass and egg size differed among the three population,whereas relative clutch mass did not.ZY females produced heavier clutches and had better post-oviposition body conditions than did MQ and WW females of the same SVL; WW females produced larger eggs than did MQ and ZY females of the same SVL; the SVL-adjusted mean clutch size was greatest in ZY females and smallest in WW females,with MQ females in between.Clutch size was more variable than egg size in the MQ and ZY populations,but not in the WW population.The coefficient of variation in clutch size was greatest in MQ females (30.2%) and smallest in WW females (16.9%),with ZY females (23.9%) in between; the coefficient of variation in egg size was greatest in MQ females (22.3%) and smallest in WW females (19.4%),with ZY females (20.9%) in between.Holding female SVL constant with a partial correlation analysis,we found that in none of the three populations were clutch size and egg size correlated with post-oviposition mass,and that clutch size was negatively correlated with egg size only in the MQ population.Our data show that females from colder climates lay larger eggs,and are less likely to produce the second clutches,even under maintained under the same conditions as females from warmer climates.
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