Uterine artery embolization assisted cesarean section for the prevention of postpartum hemorrhage in

来源 :第三届中华医学会“长三角介入放射学高峰论坛”暨肿瘤综合介入治疗新技术研讨会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:besunqz
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  Purpose: To investigate the safety and efficacy of uterine artery embolization (UAE) assisted cesarean section (C-section) for the prevention of postpartum hemorrhage (PPH) in patients with uterine scarring and/or placenta accrete.Materials and Methods: Twelve consecutive pregnant women (mean age: 31; range: 25-38 years) with uterine scarring and/or placenta accrete underwent UAE during C-section to prevent PPH.The left uterine artery was catheterized under fluoroscopic guidance prior to the operation.After the infant was delivered and the umbilical cord was clamped,bilateral UAE was performed with the placenta in situ,then the placenta was removed from uterine wall.The primary endpoints were the maternal and neonatal 30-day operative mortality and fetal morbidity.The secondary endpoints were the operative blood loss,Apgar score,and fluoroscopy time and radiation dose.Results: UAE assisted C-section was successful performed in all 12 cases.No cases of maternal or neonatal death were recorded.Refractory PPH occurred in 1 case which lead to a hysterectomy,postoperative histological examination revealed placenta invasion of the cervix.No other fetal operative complications occurred.The mean operative blood loss was 1411 ml (range: 600-3600).The Apgar score was 10 in 11 infants; 1 infant had a score of 5 at birth,but improved to 10 after cardiopulmonary resuscitation.The mean fluoroscopy time mean and radiation dose was 8.66 minutes (range: 4.35-15.2) and 86.1 mGy (30.2-105),respectively.Conclusion: UAE assisted C-section was safe and appears to be able to prevent PPH in patients with uterine scarring and/or placenta accrete.
目的:介绍我院静脉药物配置中心(PIVAS)的建立与应用情况,以及药师在PIVAS 的实践体会。方法:通过药师在PIVAS 的工作与体会,探讨PIVAS 的优点。结果:PIVAS 实施一年来,保证了静脉药物的配置质量和用药安全,药师发挥作用,推动临床药学发展,减少药品浪费,降低医疗成本,加强配置护士的职业防护,提高病区护士的工作效率。结论:静脉药物配置中心是一种先进的静脉配液技术和药学服务模式,同