Leptin Attenuates Contractile Function in Adult Rat Cardiomyocytes Involved Oxidative Stress and Aut

来源 :中国药理学会第十三次全国学术大会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wwtmw
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  Aim Leptin, a 16 ku hormone from the ob gene, has been identified as an important protein involved obesity.As a chronic metabolic disorder, Obesity is associated with a high risk of developing cardiovascular and metabolic diseases, such as heart failure.The main aim of this paper is to probe the effects of leptin on contractile function of cardiomyocyte in adult rat.And the mechanism of the action involved of oxidative stress and autophagy were investigated.Methods Isolated adult rat cardiomyocytes were exposed to leptin (1, 10, and 100 nmol ·L1) for 1 hour.The calcium transients and contraction in adult rat cardiomyocytes were recorded with SoftEdge MyoCam system.Using the corresponding agents such as apocynin, tempol and rapamycin, the underlying mechanism of leptin involved of oxidative stress and autophagy was determined.Werstern blot was employed to evaluate the expression of LC3B and Beclin1.Results While perfusing the cardiomyocytes with leptin, peak shortening(PS) and maximal velocity of shortening/relengthening (± dL/dt max) of cell shortening were markedly decreased,and prolonged time to 50% relengthening (TRS0%).As well as, baseline (bl), peak and time to 50% baseline(TB50%) of calcium transient were markedly depressed.Leptin attenuated autophagy as evidenced by decreased LC3Ⅱ and Beclin1.All of the abnormalities were significantly attenuated by apocynin, tempo1 or rapamycin.Conclusion Leptin has depressing effects on intracellular free calcium and myocardial systolic function.Apocynin, tempo1 or rapamycin could block the effects of leptin.The mechanism involved oxidative stress and autophagy.
摘要:谈论国家经济发展,一个不能避开的问题就是实体经济如何发展,改革开放以来,实体经济在创造物质财富、改善民生状况、防范金融风险、可持续发展等方面发挥了重要作用。可以说,没有实体经济的发展,就没有国家经济的发展,实体经济的重要性不言而喻。文章从以上四个方面为切入点分析实体经济良好运行在国家经济发展中起到的重要影响。  关键词:实体经济;国家经济发展;重要性  实体经济是国家的经济支柱,一个经济体的
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