Evaluations on thermal runaway characteristics for three liquid organic peroxides

来源 :爆炸科学与技术国家重点实验室2011年学术年会暨International Workshop on Intensive | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yangleiyang
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  In virtue of operating improperly, many exigent accidents of chemical industries are emerged frequently.1, l-Di-(tert-butylperoxy)-3,3,5-trimethylcyclohexane (TMCH), 1,1-di (tert-butylperoxy) cyclohexane (BPCH) and tert-butyl hydroperoxide (TBHP) are commonly well-known as thermal instability materials which were used as hardening and curing agents.The aim was to evaluate the safety operating parameters which play an important role in reaction system.In this study, differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) was applied to measure the heat of decomposition reactions, which can contribute to understanding the reaction characteristics of those materials.Vent sizing package 2 (VSP2) was employed to evaluate rates of increase for temperature and pressure in decomposition reactions, and then the thermokinetic parameters of three organic peroxides were estimated.At last, Semenovs model derived to criticality characteristics of various stirring rate situation were clearly identified.
国际标准ISO 13006:1998《陶瓷砖-定义、分类、性能和标记》是我国陶瓷砖国家标准GB/T 4100-2006《陶瓷砖》的基础,采用国际标准或国外先进标准是我国一项重大的技术经济政策,符合《中华人民共和国标准化法》中关于"国家鼓励积极采用国际标准"的政策。但国际标准也有很大的局限性,国际标准也并不代表国际先进水平,甚至达不到国内水平,不能盲目采用。本文分析了国际标准ISO 13006的技术
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