Identification of hub genes and pathways in cholangiocarcinoma by co-expression analysis

来源 :2019中国肿瘤学大会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hao68
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  Objective Cholangiocarcinoma(CCA)is the most common biliary tract malignancy and the second most prevalent primary hepatic malignancy after hepatocellular carcinoma.However,the molecular mechanisms of its tumorigenesis and progression are still largely unclear.The current study aimed to explore hub genes and pathways associated with CCA prognosis by co-expression analysis.
Objective Multiple myeloma(MM)is characterized by an expansion of a clonal plasma cell population.presence of a serum or a urine monoclonal immunoglobulin(M-protein)and evidence of end-organ damage,is
Objective Metabolites and somatic mutations involved in the EGFR-TKI efficacy remains unclear in the first-line non-small cell lung cancer(NSCLC)patients with EGFR sensitizing mutation.Here we perform
Objective Colorectal cancer(CRC)is one of the common malignant tumors of digestive system and its incidence is increasing year by year,has been reported as the fourth leading cause of cancer associate
目的 研究介绍肿瘤样本库中DNA 库建立的方法及详细步骤,并强调信息管理方法的重要性.方法 临床筛选后采集肿瘤患者7mL 抗凝血送至组织库,组织库工作人员已最快的速度进行3000rpm 低温离心10min,吸取血浆后补回生理盐水,充分混匀后其中的3mL 全血用于提取淋巴细胞和单核细胞,剩余4mL 全血用自动工作站(瑞士Hamilton 公司)提取DNA(磁珠法),提取完成的DNA 分装入1.5mL
Objective Breast phyllodes tumors(PTs)are breast fibroepithelial lesions that are subtyped to benign,borderline or malignant based on stromal cellularity,mitotic activity of stromal cells,stromal nucl
目的 miRNA 在调控EGFR-TKI 获得性耐药或找寻与TKI 耐药关键基因中扮演着重要的角色,本研究探索miR-338-3p 与肺腺癌EGFR TKIs 敏感性的关系,并就miR-338-3p 调节TKIs 获得性耐药的分子机制做进一步研究。
目的 构建mCherry 红色荧光蛋白标记的前列腺癌PC-3 细胞外泌体.方法 人前列腺癌PC-3 细胞体外培养.通过化学方法合成目的基因cDNA.利用PCR 技术合成mCherry+CD63.将合成的目的基因与线性载体连接,转化细菌感受态细胞.通过目的基因PCR 电泳、重组质粒双酶切产物电泳以及基因测序,验证重组质粒构建成功;通过慢病毒介导方式将mCherry+CD63(人)重组质粒稳定转染前列
目的 肿瘤患者体内人膜联蛋白A3(AnnexinA3,ANXA3)的水平升高可能为结直肠癌(Colorectalcancer,CRC)潜在筛查的标志物。本研究探讨ANXA3 在CRC 耐药细胞株HCT116/LOHP 中表达,及其对增殖、凋亡及侵袭的影响。