Associations of the SIX1-SIX6locus with Primary Open Angle Glaucoma in Chinese population

来源 :第八届中国眼科学和视觉科学研究大会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yangxmscuosaka
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  Purpose Three single nucleotide polymorphisms(SNPs)at the SIX1-SIX6 locus,including rs10483727,rs33912345 and rs146737847,have recently been implicated in primary open angle glaucoma(POAG).In this study,we investigated the genetic association of these three SNPs with POAG in the Chinese population.
BACKGROUND Gene therapy may be a promising approach for the treatment of Leber hereditary optic neuropathy.The aim of this study was to evaluate patients with this condition who were recruited into an
目的 探讨通过自体血管移植,促进脉络膜血液循环,治疗视网膜色素变性(primary pigmentary degeneration of retina,PR)的临床效果。方法 收集我院经视力、视野、间接眼底镜检查、视网膜电流图(electroretinography,ERG)、眼电图(electro-oculogram,EOG)、P-VEP 等检查确诊为视网膜色素变性的患者20 例(40 只眼)的
青光眼患者心理护理方法:67 例青光眼患者实施临床手术及常见的心理反应和相应的心理护理报告原发性青光眼是一种慢性眼病,而且多数病人需长期治疗,如不坚持治疗,也可导致不可逆性视功能障碍。因此,病人既不能麻痹大意,也不要悲观失望,要树立战胜疾病的信心,要仔细摸索眼压波动的规律和幅度,制定合理的点药方案,定期检查眼压。
患者柏某,女26 岁,因“双眼自幼视力差、夜盲,加重半年”于2014 年10 月到我院就诊.患者家属述患者自幼聋哑.眼部检查:右眼视力:0.25,矫正:-1.50DS-1.25DC*14=0.3,眼压:13.7mmHg.左眼视力:0.25,矫正:-0.25DS-0.75DC*167=无助,眼压:13.5mmHg.
目的 观察跨上皮联合离子导入角膜胶原交联(I-CXL)治疗进展期圆锥角膜的初期临床效果。方法 前瞻性非随机临床研究。选取2015 年3 月-2015 年8 月在我院就诊的进展期圆锥角膜患者8 例(12眼),男6 例,女2 例,年龄16-32 岁,平均25 岁。
Purpose Mutations in TSPAN12 and NDP have been identified as causative genes of familial exudative vitreoretinopathy(FEVR).The purpose of this study was to identify novel TSPAN12 and NDP mutations in