Integrating Preclinical and Biomarker Data in Immunotherapeutic Approaches

来源 :中国上海第七届国际新药发明科技年会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Aweichunxing890620
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  By harnessing the host s innate and/or adaptative immune systems,cancer immunotherapy is a promissing approach to treat cancer.However,recent data from clinical trials in which immunotherapeutics have been implemented indicate that we would benefit from a better knowledge on the mecanisms underlying these novel approaches.While preclinical models have been extensively used to obtain proof of concept and to better understand the mode of action of some of these products,they often remain conundrums and poor predictors of the outcome in clinical trials.One way by which we can increase our insight in the immunological processes required for succesfull immunotherapeutic treatments is by immunomonitoring patients receiving such therapeutics.The use of transcriptomics,proteomics and state of the art immunomonitoring methods are crucial in identifying prognostic biomarkers and/or signatures of responses.We have used these methods to follow patients enrolled in a phase Ⅱb clinical trial which combined a MUC1-expressing MVA vector with the standard treatment of Non Small Cell Lung Carcinoma.Predictive biomarkers have been identified.This data set is essential in the design of future clinical trials.Refuelling this information in novel preclinical models will allow us to gain insight in the mode of action of our product and render it more efficient.
  Purpose:To determine the suitability of porous silicon photonic crystals for long-lasting intraocular drug-delivery.Methods:A rugate structure was electroch
1 准备工作 1.1.整地 施肥和土壤消毒:按每亩施用优质有机肥5000千克,草木灰200千克,磷酸二铵15千克做底肥,深翻施入,并用福尔马林溶液消毒后精细整地,采用水旱塘起垄栽培,
  The healthcare industry is facing more challenges than ever to create innovative drugs and vaccines due to low probability of success and patent expiration,
目的 分析载脂蛋白E(apolipoprotein E,ApoE)基因型与老年男性高血压病病人中医证型及血脂的相关性,探索高血压病病人中医证型与血脂表型的遗传基础,为临床辨治高血压病提供
  Pharmaceutical cocrystals,or the hydrogen-bonded crystalline complex between an API and a benign co-former (preferably from the GRAS list),offer rational ap