A hybrid finite-discrete element method for dynamic collapse analysis of concrete structures

来源 :中国计算力学大会2012 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tt_lang
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  In recent years much work has been reported on the formation and propagation of cracks in concrete structures.In this paper a hybrid finite element–discrete element approach was applied to investigate progressive rupture of concrete structures due to dynamic loading including earthquakes.In the proposed hybrid method,the finite element method (FEM) designed for modelling stressed and deformed solids has been combined with the motion tracking capability of discrete element method (DEM).A fracture model combining single and smeared crack model is used in our simulation.The hybrid FE-DE method was used to simulate both the intact concrete behaviour and the development of fractures in the indirect tensile test.The simulation results identify the failure mechanisms and validate the nature of tensile crack initiation and propagation in concrete disk.In particular,a comprehensive study on the seismic rupture of the Koyna dam during earthquakes is performed using the proposed hybrid method.It is shown that the hybrid FE-DE method can predicate the formation and propagation of cracks in concrete dam under earthquakes.
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