Extraction of Hierarchical Core Structures from Traditional Chinese Medicine Herb Combination Networ

来源 :”数字化中医信息系统“临床术语本体研究专家研讨会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xiegenda
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  Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) has been a successful medical science with the clinical practice of thousands of years.Chinese medical formula (CMF) is one of the main therapies in TCM.Inducing the practical CMF knowledge(like core herb combinations and modifications) from the daily clinical treatment is an important step for young doctor learning and efficient formula formation.This paper proposed a network and graph based data mining method to discover the hierarchical core herb combination structures from the large amount of formulae.Recently, discovery of the community and hierarchical organization structures from large complex network (e.g.scale-free network) has been the foci of complex network researches.However,most of the community discovery methods are to get the clustering structure of the whole network scale (with all nodes).They can not extract the hierarchical core structure with exemplar characteristics from the whole network.Because of the complex conditions of the treatment and patients, distilling and induction of core knowledge with common disease conditions from the large amount of formulae is difficult and significant for formula knowledge discovery.We have conducted several empirical data analysis tasks on the TCM clinical data from the outpatient treatments of famous TCM physicians.The results show that we can get the clinically interesting and important herb combination knowledge from TCM clinical prescriptions by network based method.
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【摘要】独立学院大学英语教学必须与其他本科层次有所区别。实用性是独立学院大学英语课程体系改革的切入点。独立学院大学英语教改的实用性可在教学安排、授课内容、教学方式以及考核要求等环节上得到具体体现。本文作者结合多年来的工作经验,对改革独立学院英语课程体系进行了研究,具有重要的参考意义。  【关键词】独立学院 大学英语 教改  【中图分类号】G65 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】2095-3089(2