Comparation of the clinical effect of the medical Ozone and Ioversol used in hysterosalpingography

来源 :2016第十二届亚太介入放射学大会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gebilangzi
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  Objective: To study the clinical effect of the medical Ozone and Ioversol used in hysterosalpingography.Methods: According to the order of diagnosis and treatment in 100 randomly selected patients with pseudo HSG case,DSA machine,transcervical cannulation in intrauterine infusion of 30μg/ml O3 and 320mgI/m1 Ioversol Injection image acquisition and imaging,namely group O3,ioversol group,and image evaluation,on the image quality,contrast performance indicators for statistical analysis.
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