Defectiveness in Persian Subjunctive Clauses

来源 :第五届形式语言学国际研讨会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wdlwo
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@@ We propose that the subjunctive clauses in Persian constitute a class of defective structures in the sense of Gallego (2010). These clauses (1) share several properties with the indicatives (2) in this NSL language: a) the embedded verb obligatorily receives person and number endings, b) subjunctives are headed by a T0, introducing a Tdef head in the derivation, c) they are headed by the same overt C ke “that,” as indicatives which is uninflected morphologically and optionally present in the derivation, and d) Nom is checked phase-internally as a by-product of TP projection, with no need to move to a higher probe. These facts suggest that subjunctives are considered to be as finite as indicatives in this language.
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