CFD Modelling of a Gauze Reactor for Ammonia Oxidation

来源 :the 4th International Conference on Structured Catalysts and | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:acidliu1
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  The catalytic oxidation of ammonia over platinum or platinum-rhodium catalysts is a crucial reaction for both the manufacture of nitric acid and in the catalytic exhaust gas after treatment systems for lean burn engines (e.g.with Diesel and natural gas fuels).In the first application, the oxidation of NH3 to NO is carried out industrially using a gauze catalyst composed of an alloy of platinum and rhodium.This design gives relatively short contact times between the reactant stream and the catalyst.
ADI公司将推出第一台采用亚麻制作的显示器。这种外壳不用塑料的新型显示器,既保护了环境,又带来了新的设计理念和市场机会。 ADI will unveil its first display made of linen.
  Subject: In this study, we describe a novel porcine parechovirus-like virus (tentatively named PLV-CHN) from healthy piglets in China using 454 high-through
现年78岁的大足县三溪乡姜农陈玉堂一家有40多年育种姜技术。他育的白口种姜鼓头大、产量高,亩产5,000—7,000斤。他的经验是: 选用竹篼窖。因为竹根可排热和吸收适量的水分
  Optimization of industrial arrangements for chemical processes, including those based on the structured catalytic reactors, remains a complex problem.It inc
  Direct ammonia fuel cell (DAFC) as a possible alternative energy usage has increasingly attracted more concerns of the researcher.For promoting the effectiv
【摘 要】“长度和时间的测量”一节在教学中分两课时完成。教学中,要立足于提升学生的核心素养,借鉴综合实践活动开展的思路和理念,以问题为导向开展学习探究活动,发挥好“活动式导学案”的导教、导学功能,通盘谋划一般长度测量和特殊长度测量的系列活动,巧妙地突出重点、突破难点,既使知识建构显得自然与必要,体现教材的特色,也增加知识学习的趣味性,充分保障学生的主体地位。  【关键词】长度的测量;课堂教学模式;