Optimization on general structure layout of a low-speed free-jet facility for cross wind study

来源 :7th China-Japan-Korea Joint Symposium on Optimization of Str | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jhq0327
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  In order to study the effect of cross wind on a moving object, a large-scale low-speed free-jet facility will be built with the uniform region of flow field about 180m wide, 1.1m high and1.5m long, in which flow speed can be changed continuously from 3m/s to 10m/s.Due to the large size in width, which is seldom seen in published bibliography, many problems appear such as general structure layout of the facility, calculation of aerodynamic contour, and so on;due to the low cost for its construction and high quality requirements for its flow field, it is difficult to completely use the structure layout of wind tunnel.On the basis of past experience, a general structure layout was put forward at first, then, to ensure the feasibility of the layout, a series of optimization tests were conducted on some test units to obtain experimental data of the flow field characters for the modification of the general layout, finally, a general structure layout of the facility which satisfy all the design requirements for the facility was determined according to the experimental data obtained in optimization tests.In this paper, the method and process of optimization tests on the general structure layout are introduced, and the different test units with their aerodynamic contours and related aerodynamic calculations, along with measurement instruments and measurement method are presented in details;the flow fields of the test units were carefully measured and the experimental results of optimization tests and the photographs of corresponding test units are also given in the paper.
青年指挥家娅伦 1975年考入内蒙古艺术学校,学习钢琴和民间乐器。1980年,上海音乐学院指挥家马革顺教授对娅伦进行了一番测试,觉得她具备指挥的素质。经过努力,1981年娅伦如
孕期做爱要用安全套吗    问:  我怀孕5个月了,老公忍不住想和我亲密,想到已经过了危险期,我也不忍心拒绝他。我想请问:孕期做爱要用安全套吗?  答:  怀孕期间是否能进行性生活一直是准妈妈的疑问,不过相信大部分的准妈妈已经了解,在安全的情况下的确是能进行性行为的。不过,在这段期间,因为不会再受孕是否可以不用戴安全套呢?  单就受孕的部分来看,的确是可以不用戴安全套;不过使用安全套可减少体液的接
陈宝田是中国音协二胡学会的副秘书长兼乐器制作部主任。早年,他可是二胡大师蒋风之的得意门徒。 不久前,我慕名采访了这位资深的胡琴演奏家、胡琴改革家和乐器收藏家。环顾