A Case-Control Study on Influence Factors of Stroke among Intervention Population in Shanghai Nanhui

来源 :第八届亚洲大洋洲地区老年学和老年医学大会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sdfffasdf
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Objective:To explore the factors influencing the incidence of stroke in an intervention population.Methods:A community based population aged 35 years old or over was cluster sampled from Shanghai Nanhui county.Individuals with at least one risk factor of stroke were selected to receive a cerebral vascular hemodynamic index (CVHI) examination.The patients with CVHI score below 70 were defined as high risk population and they received an intensive intervention based on general intervention for 3years (1999-2001).
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Objective:To evaluate efficacy and optimal cut-off-point of cerebral vascular hemodynamic indexes for identifying subclinical stroke and to evaluate effectiveness of intervention measure for preventio