
来源 :第八届全国微全分析系统学术会议、第三届全国微纳尺度生物分离分析学术会议暨第五届国际微化学与微系统学术会议 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lyztracy
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  Paper-based enzyme immobilization for flow injection electrochemical biosensor integrated with reagent-loaded cartridge towards portable device was developed.A paper disk was immobilized with enzyme,then it was integrated in a flow cell as an electrochemical biosensor.Silicon tube reagent-loaded cartridge was integrated into the system,complicated procedure was simplified as one-click operation towards development for point-of-care applications.In this research,glucose oxidase (GOx) was employed as a model enzyme,silver ion as an inhibition reagent for GOx,EDTA as a regeneration reagent.When GOx was inhibited by silver ions,glucose was introduced for electrochemical measurements before and after inhibited enzyme regeneration,the difference was caused by silver inhibition.The modular device has great potential for other applications,e.g.detection of enzyme activity and substrate.The platform based on double-test mode provided accurate results due to elimination of an average or control value in comparison with routine approaches.
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由灰葡萄孢Botrytis cinerea引起的梨灰霉病是梨果储藏中危害严重的病害,不仅影响果实品质,还可造成严重经济损失(Romanazzi et al.,2016)。生物防治作为环保、安全的方法日
老年人都希望自己长寿,但是人不仅是活着就好,更为重要的是健康的活着,老而不糊涂,保持思维的敏捷,就需要勤于用脑。 现代医学研究认为“生命在于脑 Older people want to
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Broken Plates,High Jump(Denmark)In Denmark they save all of their unused dishes and plates until the31st of December when they affectionately shatter them again