Influence of the focal ischemia reperfusion on a novel estrogen receptor alpha 36 and correlated est

来源 :The 12th Meeting of the Asia Pacific Federation of Pharmacol | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jk224wang1
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Aim: Previous studies showed that ER-α36, a novel variant of estrogen receptor alpha (ER-α) was widely expressed in breast cancer.It mediated the membrane initiated estrogenic signaling pathway which was involved in cell proliferation and apoptosis but the mechanism of ER-α36 in brain was still unclear.
目的:探讨x线正位胸片与低剂量CT胸部体检的图像的肺癌检出率.低剂量CT代替胸片体检的可行性.方法:某单位706例职工,男,249例,女457例,年龄:19—79.两年内体检分为2组,一年行正位胸片体检为胸片组,一年行低剂量CT体检为CT组.胸片组:120Kv,2 —5 mA,CT组120Kv,使用Z轴自动管电流调制技术,Z轴自动管电流设置范围10—80mA.统计5mm≤直径≤20mm的肺结节非钙
目的:报告9例经导管动脉栓塞治疗恶性嗜铬细胞瘤的术中监护与护理配合.根据手术最易发生的危险因素,重点从三方面介绍护理经验.方法:(1)术前急救物品与手术器材准备齐全.手术间备有AV900型麻醉机、PHILIPS V24C型监护仪、氧气装置、负压吸引装置完好备用.介入栓塞所用的材料:导管、导丝、微导管、PVA栓塞颗粒、明胶海绵等,要求型号齐全,拿取方便.
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