MRI imaging of brain glioma using dual-targeting SPIONs with three different molecular weight of Pol

来源 :中华放射学学术大会2016、中华医学会第23次全国放射学学术大会暨中华医学会第24次全国影像技术学术大会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kpyuy
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  Purpose:Brain glioma is the most common primary intracranial tumor with high recurrence rate and high death rate.MRI is the most important early diagnosis tool for gliomas.Super paramagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles(SPIONs),a T2 contrast agent,have less efficient magnetic resonance imaging effect because of the weak ability to penetrate the blood brain barrier.Previous studies have look at different ligands bound on the surface of the SPIONs to enhance their targeting ability.However,the contrast effect is still not ideal;What kind of effect the Polyethylene glycol(PEG),which can increase the circulation time,the dispersion and stability of nanoprobes in body fluid,have on the uptake of nanoprobes by brain glioma has not been reported.Therefore,we designed a kind of FA and CTX dual-targeting nanoprobes with three different molecular weight of PEG(2K vs 3.5K vs 5k).Methods: FA and CTX modified dual-target SPIONs with different molecular weight of PEG were prepared and characterized.Uptake of the glioma cells on nanoprobes(blocking or non-blocking receptor)and MRI,near infrared imaging,laser confocal imaging of nude mice wearing brain glioma showed that the combination of dual target improves the targeting specificity of SPIONs.In addition,we also explored the toxicity and the distribution of nanoprobes.Results: The uptake experiments of glioma cells(blocking or non-blocking receptor)revealed that dual-targeting nanoparticles are more internalized by glioma cells due to the synergistic targeting effect.More importantly,dual-targeting nanoprobes with different molecular weight of PEG exhibited differentiated targeting specificity.What is more,nanoprobes with PEG2K exhibit most effective intake effect for gliomas.The results of in vivo magnetic resonance imaging,near infrared imaging and laser confocal imaging are consistent with the results of in vitro experiments.Conclusion:The experimental results show the FA and CTX modified dual-target SPIONs with PEG2k as MRI contrast agent with low toxicity,distinct MR imaging and excellent targeting for glioma.
目的 :探讨坐骨褥疮骨髓炎的治疗方法。 方法:自1997年至2012年,15年间,共治疗坐骨褥疮骨髓炎45例。男性30例,女性15例。发病原因:脊柱先天性畸形、脊柱裂29例,脊柱外伤12例,脊柱疾病4例。发病时年龄:最小6岁,最大65岁。入院时褥疮深度:全部病例均达到坐骨结节深部。细菌培养:金黄色葡萄球菌23例;绿脓菌12例;大肠杆菌10例。合并症:阴蒂窦道1例;阴茎窦道2例;阴囊窦道1例。治疗方
目的 :儿童肱骨内髁骨折是较为少见的肘关节损伤。骨折块通常包括肱骨滑车内侧1/2以上和肱骨内上髁,治疗上要求解剖复位,若复位不良不仅妨碍关节功能恢复,而且可能引起肢体发育障碍,继而发生肢体畸形及创伤性关节炎。本研究的目的 旨在探讨儿童肱骨内髁骨折的诊治体会,以期提高儿童肱骨内髁骨折的诊治水平。 方法:回顾性分析本院2010~2015年手术治疗的9例儿童肱骨内髁骨折患儿的临床资料,其中其中男6例,女
目的 :运用品管圈质量管理工具,对我科静脉采血溶血率高的问题进行研究,找出问题环节并整改,降低静脉血采血溶血率,提高检验结果准确性。 方法:运用品管圈的手法,从上级政策、重要性、迫切性、圈能力四个方面评估,确定将降低静脉血标本溶血率作为本次圈主题活动。在知网检索文献,寻找血标本溶血的常见原因和整改建议,结合儿童骨科采血特点,确定将标本名称、采血过程中可能的压力因素如挤压、倾斜、摇匀等,是否留置针、
目的 随着老龄化社会的不断发展,临床上出现越来越多的老年性股骨远端骨折。对于这些合并骨质疏松及多种内科疾病的老年性患者,如何复位骨折并稳定断端,如何尽可能减少创伤使患者早日恢复日常生活成为临床研究热点。方法 自2015年7月至2016年4月,我科应用河北三院张英泽教授的反向牵引器治疗老年性股骨远端骨折12例,术中采用髂前上棘及胫骨结节双反牵引复位,骨折断端后侧行布卷垫起,矫正小腿三头肌将股骨远端牵
目的:探讨关节镜下自体腘绳肌腱、腓骨长肌腱重建膝前叉韧带(anterior cruciate ligament,ACL)术后股骨骨道内三种固定方式对骨道变化、股骨侧移植物长度的近期影响及临床疗效.方法:选取2013年10月-2015年2月获得随访的32例ACL损伤病例,采用关节镜下自体腘绳肌腱(半腱肌、股薄肌腱)重建术28例,腓骨长肌腱重建术4例(合并内侧副韧带损伤患者),根据移植物股骨侧固定方式
目的 探讨腰椎管狭窄症的病理分型及经皮内镜下经椎间孔入路行狭窄椎管的减压方法、技巧及临床效果。方法 根据腰椎管狭窄的解剖部位,将其分为中央椎管狭窄、神经根管狭窄和混合型椎管狭窄症;神经根管狭窄又分为入口区、中间区和出口区狭窄。针对腰椎管狭窄的类型和区域,应用经皮内镜下经椎间孔入路治疗。不同类型和区域,采取不同的入路和减压方法。本组患者共112例,其中神经根管狭窄74例,合并中央椎管狭窄(混合型)3
目的 比较人工关节置换术与内固定术治疗老年股骨粗隆间骨折的临床效果与安全性。方法 选取2012年11月-2014年8月我院收治的老年股骨粗隆间骨折患者65例为研究对象,按照手术方式的不同分为置换组35例与内固定组30例,比较两组患者的术中情况、术后效果与并发症等。