Metallic superhydrophobic surfaces fabricated by ultrafast lasers:academicissues and engineering iss

来源 :2014国际高能束与特种能场制造暨第五届高能束流加工技术国际学术会议 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:instant
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  Superhydrophobicity has attracted intensive research over the years and still an interesting topic in current studies.Superhydrophobicity originates from the unique "self-cleaning"characteristics of a lotus leaf: rain drops tend to bead on the leaf and easily roll off,carrying away any dust or contaminant, which is also called the "lotus effect".The "lotus effect" or "self-cleaning" function show great potentials in many fields such asself-cleaning of window glasses of high level buildings, deicing of airplane surface, etc.Surfacesuperhydrophobicitycan be induced by lowering the surface free energy and/orforming of specific surface micro-nano structures.Available approaches for superhydrophobic surfaces include etching, lithography, sol-gel process, layer-by-layer assembly and other physical or chemical methods.Among of which the ultrashort laser ablation is an enabling approach dueto its powerful capability to fabricate precise, designable micro-nano structures for almost any materials, especially hard engineering metals or alloys.Based on our extensive work on formation of various kinds of micro-nano structures on metal or alloy surfaces by ps or fs lasers, we have fabricated large area superhydrophobic surfaces on Cu,Al,Ti, Stainless steel, high speed steel and H13 etc.In thispresentation, we will report the academic issues and engineering issues related to the fabricating of superhydrophobic surfaces by ultrafast lasers.The academic issues cover (1) wettability transition over time on micro-nano structured metal surfaces;(2) formation of superhydrophobic/adhesive surfaces (the rose surface)with adhesion control;(3) the mechanism of deicing performance based on superhydrophobicity.The engineering issues include: (1) durability of surface micro-nano structures and superhydrophobicity;(2) mass production and low cost production of superhydrophobici surface via micro-nano printing.
采用Nd∶ YAG激光器对硬质合金YG8的表面进行激光冲击强化,采用透射电子显微镜观察其近表面微观组织变化,测量冲击前后的表面显微硬度变化,用摩擦磨损试验机对激光冲击试样表面进行摩擦磨损试验,测试摩擦系数和磨损量,并用扫描电子显微镜观察磨痕表面的形貌,从而表征激光冲击对硬质合金YG8摩擦磨损性能的影响。结果表明,激光冲击导致材料表面晶粒细化,位错密度增加,材料表面硬度提高,摩擦磨损性能增强。
Copper thin films were deposited on inner wall of rectangular carbon fibre reinforced plastic(CFRP) waveguide with high aspect ratio by plasma enhanced atomic layer deposition at low temperature, usin
新型高碳高硅的纳米结构贝氏体钢其具有优异的力学性能.但是,其高碳含量也伴随着焊接裂纹的产生和缓慢的相变速度问题.本文采用激光熔覆,然后随即进行等温热处理的方法制备具有纳米结构的贝氏体涂层.涂层采用3.5 kWDL-035Q半导体激光系统制备.利用光学显微镜(OM)、场发射扫描电子显微镜(FE-SEM)、透射电镜(TEM)、X射线衍射(XRD)对熔覆层的显微组织进行了观察与分析,通过硬度测试与拉伸试
Nanocomposite TiON thin films were deposited on p-(100) silicon substrate using a pulsed bias arc ion plating technique with the substrate bias ranging from 0V to-700V.XRD and TEM were used to charact