Tibetan Medicinal Culture and Medicinal Plant Conservation

来源 :国际生物多样性与文化多样性保护研讨会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tanxiaoming
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@@Tibetan is an import ethnic group of P. R. China with long history and splendid culture. As one of five Treatises of Buddhist Doctrine (Five shastras), medicinal culture is a very important component of traditional knowledge system. While it has assimilated and integrated principles from both traditional Chinese and Indian medicinal systems, Tibetan medicine represents a unique ethnic medicinal system that has evolved for centuries (Qiu Lilang, 2007). Tibetan medicines primarily originate from plants, animal organs and minerals, and plants from Tibetan Plateau are a major source of supply. With the global rush for natural medicines, a number of research and development projects focusing on Tibetan medicine have been implemented. In recent years, more than a hundred businesses specializing in the production of Tibetan medicines for clinical purposes have emerged in China. As such, Tibetan medicine has become one of the most important economic industries in Tibetan areas. That said, there is an array of constraints on the sustainable use of the plants at the heart of Tibetan medicine. These include limited stocks of some important species and slow renewal rates of most species as well as their low level of resilience in the light of their origins in cold, high altitude regions. Meanwhile, current industrial trends that encourage unregulated harvesting while neglecting resource conservation have led to a depletion of the resources and caused irreversible harms to the natural environment. By elaborating on the field surveys and conservation efforts we carried out across the Kawagebo region in Deqin Prefecture, Yunnan Province, this paper intends to shed some light on the creation of a future paradigm suitable for preserving Tibetan medicinal culture and conserving some important plants used by local Tibetan communities.
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以茶籽为原料,在微波辅助提取条件下,分别考察了乙醇浓度、微波功率、辅助提取时间、同液比等因素对茶皂 素得率的影响。经过单因素试验和正交试验及验证试验得出最优T艺参数为:乙醇浓度60%、微波功率539w、辅助提取 时间7min、同液比1:50,所得茶皂素得率可达18.56%。微波辅助的优点是提取率高、时间短、溶剂少,明显提高了提取效率,应用前景好。
Electroantennograms(EAGs)responses were recorded from males and females of Iragoides fasciata Moore in response to a wide range of plant volatile compounds belonging to several chemical classes.The re
茶叶病虫害是影响茶叶品质和导致茶叶农残过高的主要因素之一,因而对茶树病虫害进行科学防控尤为重要。 本文在总结分析川西茶区茶树病虫害防控管理经验的基础上,提出了一套针对茶同病虫害进行统防统治的措施,对有 效防控茶园病虫害、提高茶同经济效益起到了良好的效果。
通过感官市评与品质成分分析,对尖波黄、槠叶齐、桃源大叶、碧香早、湘波绿2号及玉绿6个品种制作高档黄 茶进行了比较研究,结果显示,尖波黄比较适合于加工高档黄茶。
我国大部分红茶香气品质不高,影响产品的市场竞争力。本文总结了近15年来红茶加T技术与香气品质关系 的研究进展,为生产高香红茶提供理论依据。
比较研究了传统醇捉、超声波辅助提取、微波辅助提取以及微波一超声协同辅助提取4种方法对绿茶总黄酮提 取得率与其对羟自由基清除效果的影响。结果表明,微波提取的最佳工艺参数为乙醇浓度70%,液同比45:1,微波时间 40s;微波一超声协同提取的最佳工艺参数为乙醇浓度70%,液同比45:1,超声时间30min。4种提取方法以微波一超声 协同辅助提取的总黄酮得率最高,但对羟自由基(·OH)的清除效果,则以超
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