Report of the Development of the Dual-purpose Cattle in Plain Agricultural Areas

来源 :2011中国肉牛选育改良与产业发展国际研讨会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:melhy
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  In order to promote the beef cattle industry, the development of the Dual-purpose cattle in the plain agricultural areas is imperative.In this report the significance of the development of the Dual-purpose cattle based on the feed conversion efficiency was analyzed, the feasibility of feeding the Dual-purpose cattle in plain agriculture areas based on the condition of collecting milk and the resource of cattle herds was discussed; and the model of cross breeding of the Dual-purpose cattle in the plain agricultural areas was advanced: The breeding system of local groups of Simmental and alternate hybrid models of dairy-beef dual-purpose cattle was established, and it.was created that early generation Simmental crossbred cattle was crossbred with dairy-beef dual-purpose cattle.
ZXIP10-AS 是深圳市中兴通讯股份有限公司推出的一款大型接入服务器,该公司将此产品定位于为电信运营商、ISP、大型企业和政府机构提供的综合接入平台,同时,提供网管、计费
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2008广西南宁纸业博览会精彩回顾2008年10月30日-11月1日,为期3天的首届中国广西南宁纸业博览会在南宁国际会展中心盛大举行。展出 2008 Guangxi Nanning Paper Fair wonder
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