Metabonomic approach to understanding adriamycin resistance in breast cancer cells

来源 :第十届全国药物和化学异物代谢学术会议暨第三届国际ISSX/CSSX联合学术会议 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:king1981001
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  Drug resistance of cancer cells is involved in multi-factors and complex biochemical processes.Continuous exposure of breast cancer cells to adriamycin can induce high expression of P-gp and chemoresistance.To explore the underlying mechanism of the chemoresistance, metabolites in breast cancer cell line, MCF-7, were profiled using GC-TOF/MS and the metabolic effects of adriamycin on both sensitive MCF-7S and resistant MCF-7Adr were evaluated.Chronic exposure of MCF-7S to adriamycin produced a stable, resistant cell line of MCF-7Adr of different metabolic pattern from that of MCF-7S.The reprogrammed metabolic events in MCF-7Adr showed significant inhibition in glyenlysis, purine, pyrimidine biosynthesis, simultaneously depressed glutathione biosynthesis and increased glycerol metabolism, both of which aggravated oxidative stress.Based on metabolomic data, the mathematic model showed that metabolic pattern of MCF-7/Adr cells was less affected by exposure to adriamycin than that of MCF-7S.In addition to the elevated ROS, the down-regulated xCT was indicated to contribute to the higher expression of P-gp rendered by adriamycin.Over-express ofxCT in MCF-7/Adr remitted oxidative stress and down-regulated level of P-gp.It is indicated that the effect of adriamycin on xCT plays a key role in promoting P-gp, and the blocking ofadriamycin on xCT is an alternative way to eliminate chemoresistance in breast cancer.
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20 0 1年 1 2月 4日 ,横跨四川、贵州、广西三省区的西南公路出海大通道全线贯通。它的建成使西部地区交通基础设施的总体水平上了一个新台阶 ,将改善西部地区的投资环境 ,加
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  A tritium (3H)-labclling method with high specificity was established to investigate the pharmacokinetics and disposition of calf thymus DNA (ctDNA) in rats
  目的 建立人血浆中头孢丙烯的高效液相色谱测定法,用于头孢丙烯的人体药代动力学研究.方法 采用直接蛋白沉淀法处理血浆样品,使用Thermo Hypers C18柱(250 mm×4.6 mm,5