Clinical curative effect of two-way combination thrombolysis therapy for acute mixed lower extremity

来源 :2016第十二届亚太介入放射学大会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:frjzj
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  Objective: To investigate the clinical efficacy of retrograde catheter directed thrombolysis combined with trans-dorsalis pedis vein anterograde thrombolysis therapy(two-way combination thrombolysis therapy)for acute mixed lower extremity deep venous thrombosis(LEDVT).
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Objective: Type I Takayasu arteritis is a progressive imflammatory disease involving the long segment of aortic arch and its branches.If untreated,which may result in cerebral ischemia and presenting
Purpose: To evaluate the clinical efficacy of Preoperative preset catheter sheath in uterine artery embolization(UAE)assisted cesarean section for the prevention of intrapartum hemorrhage.
Brucella is a genus of aerobic gram-negative bacteria.These intracellular pathogens are immobile and nonencapsulated.Brucella can survive in vivo in several animals,including sheep and cattle.
Objective: To discuss the clinical application of bilateral internal iliac arteries balloon preset during cesarean section of patients with central placenta previa.
Purpose: To review the authors 8-year experience with transcatheter obligation feeding artery embolization(TOFAE)for the treatment of hemoptysis.
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Objective: To explore the Günther Tulip filter with severely embedded retrieval techniques and application value.Methods: 37 patients have been treated by simple capture recycling method and Balloon-a