Clinical study on moxibustion with ginger Sihua points therapy on the effect of side reaction of lun

来源 :第八届粤港澳台物理医学与康复学学术会议暨2017年广东省医学会物理医学与康复学学术年会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:porminor100
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  Objective: To investigate the therapeutic effect of ginger partitioned moxibustion Sihua points therapy to improve lung cancer patients after chemotherapy,KPS,QOL score,vomiting adverse reaction.Method: Using randomized controlled methods,60 patients were randomly divided into treatment group and control group,30 cases in each group.The treatment group were treated with ginger moxibustion on Sihua points in three days before the start of chemotherapy,each point moxibustion 8 strong,once a day,until the fourteenth days of chemotherapy,and while the control group were treated with conventional Western medicine treatment of symptomatic support for the side effects of chemotherapy.Respectively,in the first day and fourteenth day of chemotherapy the two groups were conducted KPS score and QOL score,and were graded evaluation of vomiting after chemotherapy.Results: before the beginning of the trial for the treatment group and the control group the gender composition,age composition,KPS score of the patients in the first day after chemotherapy and other contrast are also no significant differences(P > 0.05),and the baseline is consistent.Two groups are comparable.There were no significant differences(P> 0.05)in KPS score and QOL score of treatment group between the fourteenth days undergoing chemotherapy treatment and the first day after the ginger moxibustion treatment on Sihua points,while both of the KPS score and QOL score of the control group in the fourteenth day of chemotherapy were decreased significantly(P<0.05)compared with those in the first day,and the difference between the treatment group and the control group was statistically significant(P<0.05).After moxibustion with ginger sihua points,the grading evaluation vomiting of treatment group after chemotherapy was significantly better than the control group(P <0.05).Conclusion: Relative to Western medicine symptomatic and supportive treatment,moxibustion on ginger sihua points can significantly improve the KPS scores and QOL scores of lung cancer patients after chemotherapy,relieve the symptoms of nausea and vomiting after chemotherapy,significantly improved the quality of life of lung cancer patients after chemotherapy.
目的:观察基于新生儿重症监护室(NICU)环境的个体化吞咽治疗对早产儿喂养障碍的改善效果.方法:62 例喂养障碍早产儿(孕期28 至32 周,平均治疗胎龄33.18±1.86 周),随机分为治疗组(胃管喂养结合个体化吞咽治疗组,34 例)和对照组(单纯胃管按需喂养,28 例).治疗组早产儿每天治疗2 次,治疗师完成一次,家长在探访时间内完成一次,每次治疗15 分钟,每周治疗5天,连续2 周.评估指
目的:本研究主要探讨身体功能已符合复工条件的腰痛工伤病人出院前工作相关的几个内容(包括工作满意度、就业意愿、雇主态度、家庭态度)与其腰疼痛程度相关性。方法:应用改良版林氏就业意愿评估量表、明尼苏达满意度调查表、问卷调查表、主诉疼痛程度分级法对筛选出来的患者进行评估,再用Spearman 相关分析研究各个工作因素与疼痛得分是否有相关性。结果:研究表明就业意愿、工作满意度、雇主态度与出院前腰部疼痛的工
中国内地康复医学教育始于80 时代中后期,目前虽有多家高等院校设立康复治疗学本科专业,但大多数院校的课程设置基本未达到世界治疗师联盟要求的最低教育标准[1]。台湾地区复健系本科教育起步较早,课程设置已进行亚专业化,康复专业人才培养模式与国际接轨。笔者有幸前往台湾中山医学大学职能治疗系进行研究生课程学习与交流,亲身体验台湾的康复本科教育模式,并对其课程设置、学时安排等相关数据进行统计整理,比较分析两
目的:研究脑卒中后发生日间过度倦睡症(excessⅣe daytime sleepiness,EDS)的发生率及相关因素.方法:对入选病例采用日间多睡量表(Epworth Sleeping Scale,ESS)、阿森斯失眠量表(Athens insomnia scale,AIS)和Barthel 指数评定量表(Barthel index,BI)进行评定.比较不同卒中性质、性别、年龄、卒中部位、BI
目的:利用功能性磁共振成像(functianal magnetic resonance imaging,fMRI)技术,探讨静息态下卒中后抑郁(post-stroke dpression,PSD)患者情感调节环路(mood regulating circuit,MRC)内脑区间功能连接.方法:采用3.0T 磁共振成像仪,对13 例脑卒中后抑郁症患者(PSD 组)和18 例脑卒中后无抑郁患者(non
研究背景:儿童语言发育迟缓是儿童语言障碍的常见类型之一,影响患儿的学习能力、交流能力、心理健康等,增加了家庭的心理、经济负担.目前尚无统一的、效果明显的治疗方法.经颅直流电刺激(tDCS)属于非侵入性脑刺激技术,能够调节大脑皮质兴奋性、脑功能等.tDCS 在成人脑卒中失语症患者的临床研究中得到良好的治疗效果,并在儿童青少年孤独症、注意力障碍、读写障碍、脑瘫运动功能的康复研究中显示良好的应用前景.本
目的:观察镜像视觉反馈和改良强制性运动治疗对脑卒中偏瘫患者上肢功能的影响.方法:前瞻性纳入2013 年12 月至2016 年10 月在我院收治的、临床资料完整的脑卒中偏瘫患者117例,随机将患者分四组:A 组30 例,B 组29 例,C 组28 例和D 组30 例,所有患者均接受常规综合康复治疗,连续治疗4 周.在常规综合康复治疗的基础上,B 组和C 组分别增加镜像视觉反馈训练和改良强制性运动治疗
目的:探讨富血小板血浆对慢性非特异性下背痛的影响及其机制.方法:符合入选条件的66 名慢性非特异性下背痛患者随机分成富血小板血浆(PRP)组(n=33)、激素组(n=33).富血小板血浆组予以超声引导下PRP 注射1 次配合康复训练.激素组予以超声引导下激素注射1 次配合康复训练.在实验前入组后、1 月后分别用简化McGill 疼痛问卷(SF-MBQ)进行疼痛评估,Oswestry 功能障碍指数进