Ruskin and Honesty of Design

来源 :International Innovation Design and Management Summit Forum | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xzjwl
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  John Ruskin is a distinguished art critic in the beginning of the twentieth Century and the end of nineteenth Century in British.He was deeply dislike the trend of machinery of grandstand and slick,then proposed the "honest of design" idea,from designers to design work,he prefers "honest" to improve society,conveying the value of "beauty of human nature," His theory plays an important guiding role for the design of arts and crafts movement development; it also has certain reference significance for the development of art design in the present stage of our country.
八旗汉军是清代八旗组织中的三个重要组成部分之一。八旗汉军问题,国内讨论还不多,并有一些歧异的看法。本文旨在对汉军发展中的一些基本问题进行探讨,以就正于诸同志。 一
邓友梅是继老舍之后用京味儿语言写老北京风土人情的又一大家,本文从冷面幽默、修辞等方面分析了邓友梅在20世纪80年代创作的京味儿小说《烟壶》的语言特色。 Deng Youmei i
  This paper discusses that graffiti,as a new "language",entering into so many design fields,such as costume design,interior design,urban public environment d
编者的话:5月31日为世界戒烟日,本刊谨以此文献给读者中的烟民朋友。 Editor’s Note: May 31 is the world’s smoking cessation day. This journal is dedicated to read
  With the popularity of micro-computers and the Internet,as the core of the IT technology revolution has made information technology changes peoples lives,th