Spherical t∈ Designs and Numerical Approximations on the Sphere

来源 :第八届工业与应用数学国际大会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:r57014848
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  Spherical t(∈)-designs with(∈)∈ [0,1)provide positive weight quadrature rules for the sphere which are exact for polynomials up to degree t.Spherical t(∈)-designs with(∈)= 0 are spherical t-designs which provide equal weight quadrature rules.In this talk,we introduce a computational algorithm based on interval arithmetic which,for given t,upon successful completion will have proved the existence of a t-design with(t+1)2 nodes on the unit sphere S2(≤)R3 and will have computed narrow interval enclosures which are known to contain these nodes with mathematical certainty.
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