Effect of KOH content on the performances of catalysts used for transesterification of microalgae oi

来源 :The 6th World Bioenergy Symposium(WBS 2012)(第六届国际生物能源会议) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hlp2009
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  Recently, the world is facing a vital calamity in respect to energy and environment.Biodiesel is considered to be a most sustainable alternative to conventional fuels as being renewable and environment-friendly.Microalgae is currently being thought as an ideal third generation biofuel feedstock because of their rapid growth rate, high production capacity of lipids and not competing with food or feed crops.In present work, modified alumina support with high specific surface area was prepared by simple peptization method, and supported catalysts with different KOH content were prepared.The conversion of microalgae oil to biodiesel was investigated.Figure la reveals that as the KOH loading amount increasing from 5 to 25wt%, the oil conversion increases from 83.3% to 97.7%, and the highest oil conversion (97.7%) is obtained at 25wt% KOH amount.However,when the amount of KOH is over 25wt%, the oil conversion decreased gradually.According to the results of GC-MS(Figure lb), the components of biodiesel in present work are mainly methyl esters of C14∶0, C16∶0,C20∶4, C22∶6.According to BET、 SEM and XRD results, a new phase Al-O-K compound is active phase for oil conversion, and the agglomeration and change of pore structure should be the main reasons for activity decrease when KOH content higher than 30wt%.
1 引言传统小功率电源采用线性电源。线性电源效率很低,输入输出电压范围小,需要加比较大的散热器。中、大功率电源普遍采用相控电源。和线性电源相比,相控电源的效率高出很
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蜂蜜:润肺止咳,润肠通便,排毒养颜,滋补强身。海带:海带中的碘化物被人体吸收后,能加速病变物和炎症渗出物的排除,有降血压、防止动脉硬化、促进有害物质排泄的作用。 Honey