Detection of recurrence in patients with rectal cancer: PET/CT after abdominoperineal or anterior re

来源 :The 1st Sino-American Conference on Nuclear Medicine(首届中美核医学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xqd2cd
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  Objective: To conclude features of combined positron emission tomography (PET) and computed tomography (CT) in detection of pelvic recurrence in patients with rectal cancer who underwent abdominoperineal or anterior resection.Methods: Eighteen patients with suspected recurrent rectal cancer were enrolled; 10 were men, and 8 were women.The mean age was 58(range: 38-79).The time of afteroperation ranged from three months to seven years.The patients fasted at least 6 hours prior to intravenous injection of 18F-FDG (3.7MBq/kg).Scanning from the base of the skull through the midthigh was performed with the Philips Gimini TF.Two readers interpreted images in consensus.Pelvic recurrence was confirmed with histologic analysis or clinical and imaging follow-up.RESULTS: There were 25 pelvic sites detected.22 were malignant and the other three were benign.The recurrent sites were all with increased 18F-FDG-uptake,and the maximal standardized uptake value(SUVmax) was 5.63±1.90.On the other hand,the benign lesions had lower uptake and SUVmax was 2.0±0.79.Its obvious the difference of 18F-FDG-uptake between malignant and benign lesions.Most recurrence sites located in the surrounding tissues ,presacral region and perineum.The 18F-FDG-uptake of recurrence was ofen focal and intense.CONCLUSIONS:It was reported that the local recurrence rate after resection of rectal carcinoma was above 30%.In patients with suspected recurrent rectal cancer,18F-FDG PET/CT has been found to be especially useful not only for differentiating between disease recurrence and postoperative scarring,but also for detecting recurrence at unexpected sites.
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上、曹阳石阶(油画)soX6oem 199〔 下左、李曙光鹤舞(中国画〕 下六、空印户稍烟付后〔纸版画)1985上左、孙大帅牧人的小孩和他的小羊(油画)IOOX80em上右、唐萃花50x7oem1993
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摘要:在现在化工业生产中,压力、温度、流量、液位等参数应用普遍,如何正确的检测和控制这些参数是安全生产、经济运行、自动控制的前提条件,本文将简单介绍自动化仪表的常识和重点阐述基地式调节仪表的结构与工作原理以及自动控制仪表的发展趋势,让广大从事生产的工作人员对基地式调节仪表有个初步的认识和对未来自身专业如何培养奠定方向,从而全面提升工厂运行的安全性、经济性、高效性。  关键词: 自动仪表,基地式,工