Identification and Isolation by DDRT-PCR of Gene Differentially Ezpressed on Scrotal Circumference i

来源 :第十一次全国畜禽遗传标记研讨会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qzawxsecd829
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To identify tissue-specific expression gene in scrotum of differential scrotal circumference bulls and analyze the function of the specific gene on the development of the bulls scrotum in this study. The DDRT-PCR and Reverse Northern Blot Analysis were used to identify tissue-specific expression gene in 4 bulls with differential scrotal circumference. The results were shown that six genes corresponded to genes of known or inferred function, either the bovine gene or the likely human orthologue and three genes or ESTs were unkown. Those were Bos taurus ebd-P2 pseudogene, Bos taurus similar to F-box only protein 21 isoform2, Bos taurus mRNA for proline-rich protein P-B, Bos taurus similar to Kinesin heavy chain isoform 5C, Bos taurus similar to ankyrin repeat domain protein 15 isoform, and Bos taurus similar to galactosidase, beta 1-like. And Bos taurus ebd-P2 pseudogene and Bos taurus similar to galactosidase, beta 1-like were founded both highly expressed in bulls which had bigger scrotal circumference. Their functions may be involved with sperm maturation in the epididymis, sperm protection and preventing the ascent of microorganisms into the adjacent testes and responsible for converting immature sperm into competent functional cells, and movement of spermatozoa.
1080p已经成为了家庭影院投影机的主流分辨率,然而在全高清之后,家庭影院投影机会面临怎样的问题?又如何应对这些问题呢?    当变不当变?    如今的全高清家庭影院投影机可谓是腹背受敌,一方面面临着平板电视的挤压,另一方面也受到了内部一些娱乐投影机的挑战。  平板电视向着更大尺寸、更低价格方向发展,挤压了家庭影院投影机的空间,而另一方面低价的SVGA、XGA商住两用型的娱乐用投影机凭借着低成本
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