来源 :INternational Conference on Product Design and Manufacturing | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mytollen
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  Brand has already become the core competitiveness of products,and product design has already become one of the most powerful weapons in commerce competition,while products made in China lack of the macroscopic environment which the brand depends on,the explicit brand localization,and the core technologies,R & D capabilities,and the brand awareness.As the appearance of product character,brand image and design strategy,product design identity (DI) plays a role in the whole course of designing,marketing,and consuming.This paper analyses it from CI to BI,from VI to PI,so as to build DI system.In a diachronic view,DI system of one brand may be influenced by SET factors.For example,the evolvement of Mini cars reflects such obvious characters as times,region,economy and culture.In a synchronic view,DI system in market competition ties up with previous products,brand image,style of competing products and target users understanding and cognizing of product image.By comparing DI system with brand strategy between Nokia and Moto,we can find two different types of DI system:the recessive and the dominant.Therefore,DI system built by identification of concepts,core product image identification and external image identification becomes a very important part of brand strategy,and keeps touch with brand personality,brand culture and brand value.In a word,to Chinese manufactures,DI is the only way of the original innovation from OEM to OBM.
  On one hand lightweight sheet materials are characterized by high specific strength but on the other hand they are limited in design of sheet metal products
目的 总结分析兰州市部分新型冠状病毒肺炎患者的临床表现及影像学特征.方法 回顾性分析2020年1月23日至2020年2月23日兰州大学第一医院新型冠状病毒肺炎隔离病房收治的8例确
  This paper illustrates research activities,which result from the need performing numerical analyses of the failure behaviour of composites with local reinfo
目的 探讨新型冠状病毒肺炎(新冠肺炎)疫情下消化内镜诊疗过程中,院内交叉感染的防控管理措施及其效果.方法 根据医院的感控要求及相关文件内容,结合本中心临床诊疗的实际情
柔软金发,高耸鼻梁,蓝色眼睛的麦斯米兰,轻易地俘虏了中国文艺青年的心,忧郁,忧愁,浪漫,美丽,令人心碎,天使……太多溢美之词了    麦斯米兰·海克尔(Maximilian Heckcr)1977年生于德国Heidenheim。他并非出自音乐世家,或者毕业于摇滚学校。他母亲是大学老师,父亲是工程师。他上的是护士学校。他有一种洁净的气质。在做护理工作的时候明显感到了不适应,父母的期待也令他感到压抑。
一、危害症状受害花茎变粗 ,并弯曲 ,靠近花朵的部位 ,可能有淡色的病痕 ,而花朵本身会发生歪斜。花冠常常完全失色 ;叶片变脆 ,易出现横向或纵向的裂缝。从土内刨出鳞茎症状
初春的津门,春意昂然,生机勃勃,沐浴着春天的气息,郭修斌先进事迹报告会在天津武警指挥学院模拟中心举行。他平凡的人生,不凡的业绩深深震撼着每一名教职员工。 Early sprin